Thursday, August 27, 2009

da Bronx

J and A at the Bronx Zoo, New York

A. tries out a bird's nest.

Watching the sea lions.

J. imitates the camels.

Lots of monkeys here.

The Asia Monorail:
takes passengers on a tour of one area of the zoo

My sister-in-law was telling me all about the family membership @ the Bronx Zoo yesterday, and since I had the day off, and the zoo is so close (about a 15 min ride on the Bronx River Parkway), the boys and I decided to check it out. It is a beautiful day here in NY!

We explored just a couple areas of the zoo, which took us about three hours. On the whole, it is very nice, well maintained, and the animals are really well cared for--we had a good time. I was really amazed at how much stuff the boys already knew about many of the animals we saw. We plan to go back, hopefully with L. in tow if he and I have a day off together at some point--I missed him today.

L. started orientation for classes and it sounds as if he is having a good day as well--we have been texting back and forth between his meetings/classes, vocal try-outs, and testing he has undertaken. We have a campus cook-out tonight and tomorrow I have my first 12 hour shift on the floor. Lord have mercy! Things are busy, but good in many ways...

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Job startage

Where I am working--thank God I have a job!!!

This is my first week at my new job, and I am shuttling myself back and forth to CT *almost* successfully. GPS is not fail proof, just so ya know. The hospital is beautiful, the people very nice. L. is homeschooling this week before his orientation begins on Thursday. Feeling like our roads are diverging--hopefully we will meet along the way. I'm "all hospital" and already feel out of it. I pray we can get some sort of family time here and there--I already miss everyone. What a wimp!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Times Square and Such

Tomorrow I start my new job, and the fear is at bay for the moment because I have the world's largest head(ache) and am in the throes of suffering. Ha. Having just feasted on a Nathan's hot dog, I am sitting on my very uncomfortable couch thinking about the coming week and the fact that 1.) this crazy-long "vacation" of mine is over and 2.) L starts school in a week. Not sure what to expect, but am ready for whatever may come. I can't believe we live here. What in the world??? Anywho, pics from the first NYC trip we had week one of our adventure:

Waiting for the first of probably many train rides,
this was perhaps the boy's favorite part of the day.

Hm, why all the green folding chairs around the square? Odd.

J and A's first vsit to the big city!

Crossing a busy NYC street (and you may be wondering WHY I chose to take a picture at such a perilous moment)!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Musing on the museum

The boys now have a plethora of marble rear-ends on their cell phones. They giggled so much at all the nudity, and were also quite disturbed by the dis-membered (*ahem*) male statues.

J. outside the Temple of Dendur, a gift from Egypt in the 60's

L. and Van Gogh (Can't say THAT very often!)

Picasso "Nude Standing by the Sea"

Yes, we let him eat another hotdog. *sigh*


Byzantine Icon of the Presentation of Christ in the Temple

Egyptian Antiquities, oh, and J.!

He came, he saw, he conquered!

We had the chance to visit the Metropolitan Museum of Art in NYC today--it was cool for us 'rents--the boys had fun 75% of the time, but were thoroughly unimpressed w/ Van Gogh, Picasso, Monet, ya know, all the good stuff. They preferred the armour, the guns, the swords, and the sculpture areas where most statues were missing arms, legs and private parts. Ah, boys! (J mentioned that he was throughly "disturbed" by the broken off, um, appendages.)

Parking was very easy, but as usual a bit pricey, but the museum was donation only. We capped the day with a lovely (accidental) tour through Harlem and once again realized that NYC is a cash city--you must have cash and change on you at ALL TIMES when navigating around here!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


A., staring down 10 birthday candles at his party...
We had a get together of some of A.'s new friends and their families came along to help us celebrate and eat the traditional cake and ice cream. Our apartment was soooooo full of people! Good stuff.

Candle-blowing action shot! L. bought those silly trick candles--
which everyone loved, of course!

Opening the "Big One."

In a space capsule w/ his brother and cousin.

In front of the USS Intrepid--part of A's birthday excursion.

Happy Birthday, A. I will never forget the day you were born--how you looked with all that black hair and chubbiness, or how your dad's face looked when you were first presented to him: surprised, smiling, shocked! He called you a "little Eskimo" and we fell in love with you from that first moment.

From a happy, content baby who loved to snuggle and sleep, you have become a sometimes stubborn but very obedient, intelligent, calm, joyful boy whom I love so dearly.

I thank God for allowing me to be your mother and I pray He will guide you and protect you always. Many years!!!!!

Love you lots, Mom

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Jones Beach, Long Island

(Frane Lessac art above.)

We went to "the beach" today--note the parentheses! As a former Floridian, I refuse to acknowledge today as a true beach day for myself as it was more akin to sightseeing. I'm going to sound like a hick here when I say that the beach was the most crowded place I've been, that qualifies as an outdoor excursion, in my whole life. People were everywhere! The water was pretty cold as well, plus there was this crazy walk from parking to actual swimming--like a desert walk with shells.

But, I kinda liked the whole thing, and the boys LOVED it...we may try again but in perhaps a quieter spot (maybe Fire Island, according to people in the know, is a better fit?). On the bright side of the experience--people of all walks of life wearing all sorts of costumes speaking multitudes of languages were all right in our face. It was cool. I love having the kids out in public places--they get to see so many other facets of life being lived.

Came home and ate some curried chickpeas then helped pack up a neighbors house and that was that. Now it's off to watch North and South w/ the hub and then BED! This is one of those really long days...

Anyway, we were very thankful and happy to have been invited and the best part was getting to know Deacon A. and his kiddos a little better. A nicer family I have yet to meet!

Now for some cruddy cell-phone pics cuz once again I left my media card for my camera at home (click to enlarge):

Pirate-eyes the Sunbather. (It's too Bright, MOM!)

L. and A. hangin' after a cold swim.

View from the beach blanket.

L. and Dcn. A. sunning themselves...

Monday, August 17, 2009

First Homeschool Day Ramblings

The boys in their new bedroom...note the (dangerous) IKEA loft bed they both sleep on--we'll see how long that lasts!

Decided to start homeschool today--trying to gage how much time Sonlight plus other stuff will take. Got about two hours in and had to have a recess for the boys. They are doing well, just have loads of energy and needed to burn some off.

J.A. had quite the birthday bash last night with some seminary folk dropping in w/ kids in tow for cake and ice cream. J.A. made out like a bandit w/ the big bucks (I see fundraising for us in his future, ha). I had fun chatting and eating (too much fun eating!).

L. has to pick up his books in the bookstore, and we have a few other homey type things to accomplish (still have some boxes hidden in the closet that can't be ignored for long).
I start work in a week and am trying NOT to think about that prospect. I've had too much time off and feel rather undisciplined and lazy.
Otherwise, just of A.'s birthday to come...

Monday, August 10, 2009


Backtracking w/ some thoughts on the actual move--well, all went smoothly. Moving day worked out well and went quickly, largely in part to the help we got from our family and a church friend. Because we had pared down so much we really got loaded FAST and were on our way. Stopped in St. Louis on night one, then in Pennsylvania, and made it to Yonkers on day three.

The drive really wasn't THAT bad, the boys remained entertained with books and the laptop, and we drove through some beautiful areas of the country. On arrival to our new home here in NY, we had loads of help getting um, unloaded. Cheery faces and some nice welcoming words and all that stuff.

Now some random pics:

Our two smallest helpers...CUTENESS!

Two more "moving help" peeps--thanks D. and K.!!!!

L. packs the ginormous TV. Ahhhhhh.....action movies!

Helpers C. and M. take a lunch break.

Good-bye, 1707. You and your 2500 square feet of 80's luxury decor will be missed (ok, maybe not the 80's decor!).

J. and I. (J.'s best friend) explore our first truck--a 26 footer--which proved to be too big. We were upgraded and then we downgraded ourselves to the 16 foot truck and by the grace of God, everything fit due to my father-in-law and husband's OCD packing skills.

So the move is complete--we are settled in quite well. Our teeny-tiny apartment--all of three rooms and a bath, is serving us well and we are so thankful, in light of what could have been, to be so nicely ensconced. I start work and L. starts school soonish, otherwise, we are in the making friend mode of things and trying to explore la City. Please pray for us as we continue to transition. This is a crazy one, for sure!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Home in NY

Now that we are somewhat settled, here are some pics of our new "flat" ala NY:
The kitchenette!

The living room
The "dining room" and icon corner-thing.

Lee in front of "his" IKEA bookcases.

Our bedroom.

We are here, we are here, we are here! (Think of Horton, k?) More on the actual move when I get my pics organized!

Here I sit in my lovely new bedroom, my husband finished w/the IKEA furniture (finally), our "old" stuff in place, thinking that this has been the craziest week. We drove in on Monday. I can't believe how well I navigated New York and the Washington Bridge all. by. myself. Ok, with the help of GPS but still...

The apartment is almost set, the homeschool curriculum sits on the shelves, my job as a labor and delivery nurse miraculously lined itself up, Lee is somewhat ready for classes to begin and yet...

I feel so emotionally unsettled--which is to be expected! What are we doing here? All I know is that everything came together and now I find myself wondering how in the world I will make it here. Very silly, but I feel very inadequate and dumb amidst people whom I admire for their (perceived) depth and spirituality. Playing the comparison game, again! I never learn...

Wondering here if seminary life is difficult because we struggle so much with ourselves during the process? I know I am here to support us financially and continue on as a wife and mother.
The rest is unknown.

So, New York is "ours" for the next three years. Lord have mercy!