Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Jones Beach, Long Island

(Frane Lessac art above.)

We went to "the beach" today--note the parentheses! As a former Floridian, I refuse to acknowledge today as a true beach day for myself as it was more akin to sightseeing. I'm going to sound like a hick here when I say that the beach was the most crowded place I've been, that qualifies as an outdoor excursion, in my whole life. People were everywhere! The water was pretty cold as well, plus there was this crazy walk from parking to actual swimming--like a desert walk with shells.

But, I kinda liked the whole thing, and the boys LOVED it...we may try again but in perhaps a quieter spot (maybe Fire Island, according to people in the know, is a better fit?). On the bright side of the experience--people of all walks of life wearing all sorts of costumes speaking multitudes of languages were all right in our face. It was cool. I love having the kids out in public places--they get to see so many other facets of life being lived.

Came home and ate some curried chickpeas then helped pack up a neighbors house and that was that. Now it's off to watch North and South w/ the hub and then BED! This is one of those really long days...

Anyway, we were very thankful and happy to have been invited and the best part was getting to know Deacon A. and his kiddos a little better. A nicer family I have yet to meet!

Now for some cruddy cell-phone pics cuz once again I left my media card for my camera at home (click to enlarge):

Pirate-eyes the Sunbather. (It's too Bright, MOM!)

L. and A. hangin' after a cold swim.

View from the beach blanket.

L. and Dcn. A. sunning themselves...