Monday, August 17, 2009

First Homeschool Day Ramblings

The boys in their new bedroom...note the (dangerous) IKEA loft bed they both sleep on--we'll see how long that lasts!

Decided to start homeschool today--trying to gage how much time Sonlight plus other stuff will take. Got about two hours in and had to have a recess for the boys. They are doing well, just have loads of energy and needed to burn some off.

J.A. had quite the birthday bash last night with some seminary folk dropping in w/ kids in tow for cake and ice cream. J.A. made out like a bandit w/ the big bucks (I see fundraising for us in his future, ha). I had fun chatting and eating (too much fun eating!).

L. has to pick up his books in the bookstore, and we have a few other homey type things to accomplish (still have some boxes hidden in the closet that can't be ignored for long).
I start work in a week and am trying NOT to think about that prospect. I've had too much time off and feel rather undisciplined and lazy.
Otherwise, just of A.'s birthday to come...